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Planning & Development

Building a sustainable future for the estate and community

Kincardine Estate is managed to ensure it can support itself and the wider community.  Sustainable, sensible, well-planned development is required over time.  We aim to be open and transparent about our intentions for the future development of the estate and about current projects taking place.


Current permissions in place


The following schemes, which will be of public interest, have planning permission in place.


Durward Gardens, Durward Crescent, St. Erchard Gardens

This project is being delivered by Snowdrop Developments Ltd who were chosen by us after a lengthy selection process as being the builder most likely to deliver housing that met our desired outcomes - quality dwellings in designs that are sensitive to the architecture of this historic village.  The scheme includes affordable homes from social housing provider Osprey Homes. Work is well underway on this development.


Applications awaiting decision


We don't have any pending applications of general public interest at the current time. 



Small projects and applications


From time to time we will make applications for small projects of limited public interest in the day-to-day course of running the estate, for example replacing windows or altering the internal layout of properties.  We will not list these here, but you can find full details of all applications (past and present) on Aberdeenshire Council's Planning Website which has an excellent search facility.



Future intentions


The current Local Development Plan has allocated an area of land at Haugh Farm in Kincardine O'Neil for employment.  It is our intention to bring forward proposals (when economic conditions allow) to build flexible business units at this site and draft plans have already been shared with the local community at an early stage.












We are hopeful that an area at the west end of Kincardine O'Neil (beyond Willowbank) will be allocated in the 2021 Local Development Plan as a site for passing trade which could become a cafe/farm shop.  We're hoping this will not only attract more visitors to the village but will providing another amenity and employment opportunities for the resident community.


We receive frequent requests for commercial premises for 'heavier' industries which would not be suitable for other sites on the estate (i.e. blacksmithing, vehicle/machinery storage, distilling, warehousing).  In order to support business and provide more jobs in Kincardine O'Neil, we are looking for a suitable site which could host flexible industrial units. 


We submitted suggestions to the 2021 Local Development Plan process for areas in Kincardine O'Neil which could accommodate housing.  It looks likely that these will not be included in the next plan, however we believe they remain suitable locations for future housing and will bring them forward for consideration again at the appropriate time.



Kincardine Estate Development Plan - 100 Year Vision


We first published our 100 year vision in 1998 when it formed part of our submission to the Combined Aberdeenshire Local Plan.  Subsequent local planning consultations also received copies and the document was revised in 2018 when it was submitted for consideration for the 2021 Local Development Plan (LDP).  The Vision document was widely shared in the community during the LDP process.


The document is periodically reviewed and the current version can be downloaded here.


We encourage everyone who lives, works, visits or has some other interest in the estate to read our 100 Year Vision.  We welcome comments, questions and suggestions at any time.  Please don't hesitate to get in touch.



Community Consultation


Kincardine Estate is committed to involving the local community in decisions which may affect them.  You can read more in our Community Consultation Policy here.



The Haugh Artist's Impression
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