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History and Heritage

Sustainable Long Term Land Management

Kincardine Estate was bought by the present family in the 1880s.  They had a long historical connection with Scotland stretching back over 800 years before then. 


It's a long-term thing

The estate is managed as a traditional family run estate and our management timescales are often of a different order from governments which rarely look beyond the next election.  Our planning can be divided thus: 


Short Term = Within the next 5 years
Medium Term = Within a lifetime
Long Term = Beyond a lifetime

This is not revolutionary thinking - it is normal for landed estates - anyone who plants a crop of trees for harvesting in a century  knows this.  






Supporting a community

In managing the estate we are conscious of our responsibilities towards the community of which we are part. Through our provision of affordable housing and low-rent commercial properties we try to meet local needs and encourage commercial activity. Through our provision of land for assets such as the Village Hall, Bowling Club, and playing field, we have striven to provide some of the basic ingredients that form community and hold it together. We liaise regularly with community organisations and are easily contactable. 



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