Kincardine Estate
Supporting our shared interest in a sustainable community
Community is defined in many ways - by interest or locality to take but two qualifiers.
Kincardine Estate's owners have long been part of its local community. They have understood the concept of community and donations of land for the use of a village hall, sports ground, playing field were first made well over a century ago. More recently land was given for the construction of council houses. The gift was for the properties to be rented in perpetuity. It was a great disappointment to the estate to find that within sixty years of the donation the government saw fit to sell off many of these properties at sizeable discounts to the sitting tenants.
The estate hosts a series of circular walks around the village of Kincardine O'Neil and was a willing participant in the creation of the long-distance Deeside Way.
Currently the estate liaises with various community bodies and local businesses and always maintains an 'open door' to consider local needs. The estate often carries out works alone or in concert with others for local benefit. A recent example is our work to reduce the risk of flooding at the Cochran end of Kincardine O'Neil where our initiative resulted in a joint project with Aberdeenshire Council.